I’m writing this with a glimmer of hope, having been vaccinated yesterday. What a year it has been! I’ve been blown over by the support our little company has been given. To think that a year ago, I was only trading direct at markets, I didn’t really know what to expect from going online, but I can honestly say it’s been our life-saver. To close 8 months out of 12, is quite drastic. I’ve always loved the fact that my business has been split between teaching and selling at events, to not do either, has been quite hard.
Still, as often is the case, with aversity, comes opportunity and we have had plenty of those these last 6 months or so. We’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with lots of other brands and achieved more than I could ever have thought possible.
So, looking forwards to the remainder of 2021, I’m excited to be reopening our doors on the 12th April, with Candle Workshops starting on the 15th. I’m so grateful to everyone who has booked (and paid for) these, some many, many months ago. To be prepared to keep being moved, rather than requesting a straight refund, has been so incredibly helpful to me. Every small business relies on cashflow, and if I’d had to refund all of the workshops that had been booked, I probably wouldn’t be here typing this today.
Excitingly, we will also be adding Candlemaking for Fun workshops – in the same vain as the Christmas ones we ran last year. This will just be 3 hours of absolute fun – and cake! You will make, and take away with you, £70.00 of goodies – and have an experience you won’t forget. We can cater for groups of 4 for this and will also be offering some evenings.
We also have some exciting new products coming up this year. A blast from the past is the Kitchen Candle. Mint and ginger form the base of this – it resembles a Kitchen Garden – hence it’s name. Mint is exceptionally good at eradicating kitchen smells, so I hope you like it. These will come in an authentic recycled glass with a cork lid. They will burn for approximately 50 hours and will be able to be refilled for half the purchase price. We are still currently awaiting glasses to land with us. Sourcing materials continues to be a huge issue. Whether Brexit, Covid or the surge in new candlemakers is to blame, I don’t know, but it’s incredibly frustrating.
Adding to the above, we will also be introducing another new fragrance – PARIS. This is expensive, sultry, exotic and luxurious. I’m not really too sure how to describe it anymore! It smells like a Chic Parisienne Woman!
We will also be launching a Luxury Wax Melt giftbox. This will contain x8 bars of the top selling fragrances from The White Candle Company, and will give 400 hours melt time. There are MANY, MANY wax melts on the market and I’ve been astounded at how much people are charging for these type of gift boxes. As always, ours will be priced very competitively as there’s just no need for the extortionate tags some of these have on them.
We are also looking at a possible subscription service – but this will be later in the year once all the workshops have been completed and caught up on.
So, an exciting 2nd quarter and onwards I hope. As we head towards the end of the year, I’m saddened that many Christmas markets have already been cancelled once again, but, fear not, as I shall definitely be looking into other events throughout the year.